If you’re like most women, you probably consider your eyelashes to be one of your best features. So it’s no surprise that more and more women are turning to eyelash extensions in Scottsdale as a way to enhance their look. But if you’re not careful, those extensions can end up doing more harm than good. Here are some tips on how to properly care for your eyelash extensions.
- Do not pick at or rub your Scottdale lash extensions. This will ensure that they will fall off and last for a much shorter time. Eyelash extensions are generally made to last for 6 weeks, so you want to get your full money’s worth out of them!
- To avoid any risk of eye infection, it’s important that you do not wash your eyes for at least 48 hours. You should also clean them routinely with a suitable cleanser about 3 times per week after the initial period has passed- this may be as often as every day if necessary! Some people report success in solving their problem by washing baby shampoo across its surface but we recommend using higher quality products such as foam lash washes instead since they contain additional ingredients designed specifically for skins’ needs and will make sure no bacteria gets inside. You will also need to start brushing your extensions daily in order to keep them neat.
- After getting extensions, avoid steamy environments for at least 1 day. This is because it can cause damage to your natural hair and make you more prone to breakage which may lead to tossing those pesky strand plays! Arizona weather gets pretty warm though so stay indoors if possible during hot times of the year. Avoiding “steamy” places after receiving wigs or glued-on strands might seem like common sense but some people forget this crucial step when they’re staying healthy by protecting themselves from sunburns ́and other skin-damaging factors.
- Lay low on using eye cream on your extensions.
- Do not use makeup that contains oily face products, including make-up and waterproof eye affiliates.
- Do not panic if a couple of lashes fall out each day.
- Curling your eyelashes with a mechanical lash curler may result in an unwanted bend. For best results, do not use this tool on your extensions.
- Do not sleep face-down. (Stomach-sleeping is not the best for you, anyway!) It is best to sleep on your back side when you have eyelash extensions.
- If you plan on keeping your extensions long term, be sure to come in for a filling every 4-6 weeks.
- If you begin to experience redness, swelling, or itching after receiving your eyelash extensions surprise AZ or Scottsdale treatment, you may have an allergy and you must schedule to have them removed immediately.
Proper eyelash extension care is key to keeping your premium Scottsdale eyelash extensions looking their best. Following these simple tips will help you maintain your lash extensions and keep them from becoming damaged or falling out prematurely. Have you been following these tips? If not, start today and see the difference proper care can make!